Their unforgettable adventure would be packed full of inspiration, meaning and growth. July 07, 2022 Today we have the pleasure of introducing you to a member of our passionate team here at Outdooractive, Vroni. As you will find out, Vroni set out on a truly epic journey with her horse, Apollo. Their unforgettable adventure would …
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Article in ‘entdecken sie Algarve’ magazine
Inspired? Book your journey here
off the beaten track
An absolutely fantastic Horsewalk experience that we will both never forget, something off the beaten track and so worth the extra effort to get there. Sakshin was fantastic and we felt we had a glimpse into his life, the culture and we had a really special time with the beautiful horses. When we come back …
Volunteer ilse
State of Beïng – Januari 2022 Na een enorme autorit verdeeld over 4 dagen door 5 landen kwam ik op een vrijdagmiddag om circa 14u aan bij Sakshin’s State of Beïng centrum. Sakshin en zijn 4 Paarden, 2 hondjes, een handje vol kipjes + haan en niet te vergeten Otis de kat verwelkomden me. En …
Happinez article and a documentairy
We are happy. The May 2021 issue of the Happinez magazine is out, with an 10 page article about the 5 day HorseJourney by foot. And that is of course Fantastic. The article beautifully describes the experiences of Monique Jansse and the words are accompanied by stunning pictures of Tessa Jol. You should definitely read …
We’re ready to lift off with our horsejourneys
Finally, after the restrictions, we can start again with our amazing HorseJourneys. We have been working hard to set dates, plan routes and update the website to give you a clear picture of what we’re at. Today the Dutch Magazine ‘Happinez’ will be in store and it contains an article about our journeys with …
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